Reseller Information

Personal/Contact Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Contact Email: * info Information InformationThis is the email smstorrent support will use to contact and maintain correspondence with you
Contact Phone Number: * info Information InformationThis is the phone number smstorrent support will use to reach you

Web Portal Information
Portal name: * info Information InformationThis is the name you want your website to bear. Ours for example, is SMS Torrent (different from domain name
Preferred domain name 1: * info Information InformationThis is the url you want to point to your website (e.g.; if this is not available, domain name 2 is taken
Preferred domain name 2: info Information InformationThis is an alternative url you want to point to your website; if this is not available, domain name 3 is taken
Preferred domain name 3: info Information InformationThis is an alternative url you want to point to your website; if this final option is not available we'll get back to you with suggestions
Administrator Username: * info Information InformationThis is the credential you will use to access the Administration panel of your website
Administrator Password: * info Information InformationThis is the password you will use to access the Administration panel of your website
Confirm Password: * info Information InformationThis must match the password given above
Company Name: * info Information InformationThis should be the name of your organization (normally shown at the footer of your website). Ours for example is Cerebro Solutions
Support Phone Number: * info Information InformationThis should be the phone number you expect customers to contact you on. it will be shown on your contact page

Web Portal Settings
Portal Logo:
Current: info Information InformationThis is the logo you want to show on the upper left corner of your website. Like the smstorrent logo on our own site
Portal icon:
Current: info Information InformationThis is the icon you want to show for your website in the address bar. ours for example is the purple envelope (smstorrent icon)
Color: Preview info Information Informationclick here to have a preview of the chosen website color
Signup Bonus Units: info Information InformationThis is the number of free sms units you want to give yours customers once they signup.
Referral Bonus Units: info Information InformationThis is the number of free sms units you want to give your customers for each person they successfully add to your customer base.